ias institut für angewandte sozialwissenschaften: Februar 2005

Montag, Februar 28, 2005

Artikel für HR-Today

Mein Artikel «Vom Mitarbeiter zum Chef» wird in einer neuen Version in HR-Today publiziert. Es ist jetzt schon zugänglich unter dem folgenden

Coaching Basic Kurs startet am 7. April

Unser einjähriges Programm «Coaching Basic» startet im zweiten Lehrgang 2005 am 7. April. Fredy Morgenthaler ist der Prozessbegleiter dieser Gruppe. Es gibt noch einige freie Plätze.
Unterlagen downloaden

Coaching Newsletter Christopher Rauen

Diesen Monat:

1. Untersuchung des deutschen Coaching-Markts
2. Gutachten über Coaching-Ausbildungen und Coach-Pools
3. Studie zu Berater- und Trainer-Websites
4. Neue Coachs in der Coach-Datenbank und den Coach-Profilen
5. Coaching-Ausbildungen im nächsten Monat
6. Impressum

Newsletter abonnieren: http://www.coaching-newsletter.de/abo.htm
Newsletter abbestellen: http://www.coaching-newsletter.de/exit.htm
E-Mail-Adresse ändern: http://www.coaching-newsletter.de/change.htm

Der Newsletter geht an 17.514 Empfänger, und ist für Interessierte sehr empfehlenswert.

ICF Chapter Zürich

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen

Am 15. März treffen wir uns wieder im Restaurant Vis-à-Vis zum nächsten
Event des Chapter Zürich der International Coach Federation.

Jon Ebersold wird uns in Otto Laske's Developmental Coaching-Approach
einführen. Der Vortrag findet in Englisch statt, die Diskussion kann in
Englisch und Deutsch gehalten werden.

Anmeldungen bitte bis spätestens Montag, den 14. März 2005, 12 Uhr an
freitag@mindmove.ch, danke.

Ich hoffe euch zahlreich Mitte März persönlich begrüssen zu dürfen und
freue mich auf einen spannenden Abend.

Kollegiale Grüsse

Thomas Freitag
MindMove GmbH
Binzstrasse 18
8045 Zürich
Tel. +41 1 455 63 71
Fax +41 1 455 63 79
e: freitag@mindmove.ch
w: www.mindmove.ch

Developmental Coaching – An Introduction to Otto Laske's Approach

This presentation will introduce the pioneering work of Prof. Otto
Laske, co-founder of the Interdevelopmental Institute in Cambridge,
Massachusets, USA (see: http://www.interdevelopmentals.org). In brief,
Prof. Laske brings the evidence-based discipline of developmental
psychology - a school of thought started by Swiss psychologist Jean
Piaget - to the profession of coaching.

In a recent article, Otto Laske describes the relationship between
behavioral and developmental coaching as follows:

≥Coaches help bring about two kinds of changes in clients: behavioral
change, which is "in-time" and thus linear; and developmental change,
which is "across time" and thus discontinuous. Behavioral change is
change in how clients function in their job and life, while
developmental change has to do with the clients' fundamental frame of
reference. A person's frame of reference changes developmentally, and
thus discontinuously: He/she goes to another "stage," rather than
moving along horizontally. Without a developmental shift, behavioral
changes do not last.„

Further articles and newsletters can be found on the Interdevelopmental
Institute web site (see: http://www.interdevelopmentals.org)

Mark Forster's Newsletter

People tend to have very mixed attitudes towards money. But I would like to suggest one use of money which very few people think of, and that is as a reality check. How can you tell if your business is providing what people want and being run in an effective way? Answer: look at whether it's making money. How can you tell if you have a personal life- style based on fantasy or on reality? Answer: by looking at how much you are saving. In both these cases the objective and measurable nature of money cuts through the self-deception we can so easily bring to our life and our work.

"But I'm not interested in money!" I hear some people saying. Sure, you're not - and why is your business so badly and inefficiently run? - is it because you're not interested in that either? Why is your expenditure so out of control? - because you're not interested in money, or because you're not interested in self-discipline?

Keeping a close eye on your personal and business finances can really tighten up your effectiveness. Why not try the exercise I gave in last week's newsletter? See how long it takes you to make or save £10,000, and then try to make the next £10,000 more quickly - and the one after that, and the one after that. (You can add or subtract 0's to that figure according to your own circumstances.) Even more effective is to have a buddy who is in approximately the same business situation as you are and make a race of it. You will be amazed how much that sharpens up your business senses!

Mark Forster

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Jeden Eintrag kann mit comments kommentiert oder ergänzt, und mit einem Klick auf dem Kuvertbutton an Bekannte weitergeleitet werden.
Herzliche Grüsse,

Willem Lammers, Institutsleiter ias