ias institut für angewandte sozialwissenschaften: USA: Sabbaticals nicht nur für Akademiker

Montag, April 24, 2006

USA: Sabbaticals nicht nur für Akademiker

Was die Amerikaner unter «Sabbatical» verstehen, würde hierzulande wahrscheinlich «Ferien» heissen. O-Ton:

The academic world has known the benefits of sabbaticals for years. And, now, the idea is catching on with public and private sectors. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, 23% of businesses in the US offer sabbaticals. Companies as varied as Boston Consulting, Goldman Sachs, Silicon Graphics, McDonalds, Quad/Graphics, and Timberland, offer sabbatical programs. Some companies restrict time off to educational endeavors or charitable projects. Other companies are a little more wide open. Anything goes from beachcombing to travel. Leaves can be paid or unpaid and can last for a few weeks to a few months. Companies that offer sabbaticals say it is a wonderful way to retain employees and incent them to work harder.

(The New York Times, 22-Apr-2006, National ed., p. B6)