ias institut für angewandte sozialwissenschaften: Unverschämtheit amerikanisch …

Montag, Januar 14, 2008

Unverschämtheit amerikanisch …

Wenn Marcel Ospel die UBS verlassen muss, wird er wahrscheinlich nicht darben müssen, aber von seinen amerikanischen Kollegen kann er noch lernen. Das Verrückte vom Ganzen ist, dass ich anfange, mich an solchen Berichten zu gewöhnen:

Remember the good old days when getting fired was a bad thing. Today, getting the boot is an occasion to break out the bubbly. This is especially true of corporate executives who have been shown the door in the wake of the subprime mortgage fiasco. E. Stanley O'Neal who lost his job at Merrill Lynch walked away with about $161 million. Charles Prince III who was ousted at Citigroup is getting $68 million, plus a cash bonus of at least $12.5 million, an office, and car and driver for at least five years. Since there could be more departures in the subprime mess, the Corporate Library did a little research. It looked at CEO severance packages at companies with exposure to subprime troubles. It found the average CEO severance package was about $66 million.
-- The New York Times, 13. Januar 2008