ias institut für angewandte sozialwissenschaften: Vacations Are Good For You, Medically Speaking

Montag, Juni 09, 2008

Vacations Are Good For You, Medically Speaking

Ich habe schon mal gestaunt, als ich in den USA in einem Personalreglement las, dass neue Mitarbeiter im ersten Jahr ihrer Anstellung kein Recht auf Ferien haben. Es ist sogar noch schlimmer: Bezahlte Ferien gibt es nicht. Jetzt merken's die Amis auch selbst:
There is increasing scientific evidence that vacations are necessary for good health, they are not simply a luxury. Yet year after year, a significant number of Americans leave vacation days unused. Even if you just stay home, read a novel, relax in front of the TV, or take a couple of day trips, vacations are necessary. Take Back Your Time, a nonprofit organization that studies issues related to overwork, is working with some members of Congress to devise national legislation requiring paid vacation time. Believe it or not, the US is the only industrialized country that does not mandate paid vacation time. (The New York Times, 07-Jun-2008, National ed., p. C5)