ias institut für angewandte sozialwissenschaften: Vortrag George Kohlrieser in Basel

Montag, November 13, 2006

Vortrag George Kohlrieser in Basel

Mein amerikanischer Kollege George Kohlrieser schreibt:
I’m happy to invite you to an evening at Bider & Tanner bookstore in Basel on Nov. 22nd at 7:30 PM where I will be leading a presentation and discussion on my recent book Hostage at the Table: How Leaders Can Overcome Conflict, Influence Others and Raise Performance.
The book is for leaders as well as anyone interested in understanding how to be more effective in dealing with others as well as their own self. I’m drawing on my longstanding experience as a hostage negotiator and clinical psychologist to describe how we can all be a “psychological hostage” without a gun to our head and what we can do about it. Flyer